We have qualified personnel taking care of the biosafety standards

Contact us

Thank you for writing to Sky Cleaners, we are happy to receive your message and our staff will be happy to give you all the information you need. If it is urgent or you want direct treatment, do not hesitate to call us.

408 396 3973


840 N Winchester Blvd San Jose CA 95128

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Eco – friendly products

The best quality products and supplies, eco friendly, safe for the environment 100% biodegradable.

Comercial and Residential

With the greatest care and delicacy in all their garments, guaranteeing the best service..

Pick up and delivery

I pick up and deliver where you tell us as much as possible about our mobility.

840 N Winchester Blvd San Jose CA 95128

click on the map to guide yourself with google maps

100% biodegradable

Good for your health

Only the best products